Find the best solo travel destinations | Explore the world solo

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A solo adventure is a great way to experience the world without having to worry about the hassles of travel companions. You get to see your destinations in an intimate way, and you can focus on what’s important: yourself!

Explore the world solo

We’re not saying you should do everything by yourself, but if you’re going to explore the world, don’t let anyone tell you how to do it. You want to go rafting in Nepal? Go for it! Want to hitchhike through Europe? Sure! Want to spend a month in Bali doing nothing but eating peanut butter sandwiches and watching reruns of Friends? Go for that too! You’ll be surprised how much you can do by yourself. Solo travel is liberating and empowering, especially when you’re a woman traveling alone. You have the freedom to make your own decisions about where you go, what you do and how long it takes.

find the best solo travel destinations explore the world solo Find the best solo travel destinations | Explore the world solo


Find the best solo travel destinations

The world is full of amazing people who will leave their mark on your life, but sometimes they don’t have time for long conversations or elaborate plans. Sometimes all you need is a smile and a wave as you pass each other by on the road—and then maybe a little help when one of your tires blows out in the middle of nowhere. And if that happens, remember: You are not alone out there!

There are many different ways to explore the world alone. Here are some of our favorite destinations for solo travelers.


Tokyo is one of the most exciting and dynamic cities in the world. It is also one of the safest for solo travelers, with a vibrant nightlife, plenty of public transportation, and tons of things to do.

Tokyo is an amazing city for solo travelers because it has so many different options for accommodation. The first thing to consider when choosing a place to stay is whether or not you want to stay in one of the big hotels or if you’d rather go with a bed and breakfast or hostel. If you’re looking for something more traditional, then staying at a hostel might be right up your alley—but if you’re looking for more luxury, then maybe staying at a large hotel would be better suited for your needs.

When it comes to activities, Tokyo has something for everyone: art galleries, museums, parks, arcades, shopping malls… if you can imagine it, it probably exists here!

Sao Paolo

Sao Paolo is an exciting city with a diverse population and culture. It is known for its many beautiful parks, museums, and monuments. There are also many outdoor activities available in Sao Paolo, such as hiking and biking.

Sao Paolo is known for its nightlife and food scene, which can make it difficult to travel solo in this city if you are on a budget. However, there are still ways you can have an enjoyable time without spending too much money if you plan ahead.

When traveling solo in Sao Paolo, try to stay in hostels instead of hotels rooms because they tend to be cheaper than other options when traveling alone. You can also take advantage of free walking tours offered by local hostels so that you don’t have to pay for one yourself! If you’re looking for something more personal than a free walking tour, consider taking an organized tour around the city with one of their guides instead!

If you’re worried about safety while traveling alone in Sao Paolo, try not to venture too far outside of the main tourist areas unless necessary (such as visiting a museum). When going out at night, stick close together with other people who look similar to each other so that it doesn’t


When you’re planning your solo travel in Auckland, you’ll want to think about the things that are important to you. Are you looking for a city with great sights? A city with lots of nightlife? Or are you more interested in finding an area that is more quiet and peaceful?

If the latter is true, then Auckland might not be right for you. However, if you’re looking for a city that has plenty of parks, beaches and other outdoor activities, then this could be a good fit. There are also plenty of places to shop and eat out in Auckland, so if you’re looking for a relaxing time away from home then this would also be a good choice.

There are many different areas within Auckland that offer different types of accommodation options for solo travelers. If someone else is traveling with you then it may be best to stay somewhere close by their hotel so that they can drop off their bags there before going out on their own adventures throughout the city. This could save time and money when traveling around the city as well as make it easier for them to get around once they arrive back at their hotel room after an evening out on their own!


Zurich is one of Europe’s most beautiful cities, and it’s become a popular destination for solo travelers. The city is home to a number of beautiful sights, from the lake-adjacent Bahnhofstrasse shopping district and its towering Christmas tree to the streets of Old Town and its famous clock tower. The museums and galleries are also worth visiting if you’re looking for a more cultural experience.

Zurich is a safe place and is generally a good choice for solo travelers. However, like any major city, it has its share of issues that could affect the safety of solo travelers. For instance, Zurich has historically had higher rates of drug use and crime than other major cities in Europe. And while these issues have decreased over time and are not as bad as they used to be, they still exist—so it’s important to be vigilant about where you go and what sort of people you engage with while traveling alone in the city.

If you’re looking for the best accommodation in Zurich, there are many places to stay in Zurich, from an apartment rental to a hotel room. Accommodation can be as simple or as luxurious as you want it to be, and every option comes with its own unique benefits. You’ll find that there’s something for everyone here!

Traveling with a group of people is an amazing way to see the world, but if you’re looking for some time to be just you, solo travel in Zurich is the place for you.


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