Australian Sunrise Lodge

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Australian Sunrise Lodge Sydney is a perfect place for both business executives and holidaymakers. Travellers can explore the Australian Museum, which is a historic museum that involves indigenous research and community programs.
Visitors can enjoy musical concerts and family shows at Sydney Entertainment Centre or visit University of Sydney, the oldest university of Australia.

Australian Sunrise Lodge Sydney is located in Newtown, an inner-Sydney area close to Sydney University, and just minutes from the city centre

Hotel Features : Shared kitchen fully equipped with cooking and eating utensils, a guest lounge area, public telephone and garden courtyard with barbecue and an office with fax and email facilities.

Australian Sunrise Lodge Australian Sunrise Lodge

Australian Sunrise Lodge Address: 485 King Street Newtown, Sydney, Australia

ReviewSydney »RatingAustralian Sunrise LodgeAustralian Sunrise Lodge Sydney is a perfect place for both business executives and holidaymakers. Travellers can explore the Australian Museum, which…

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One Response to Australian Sunrise Lodge

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