Holiday In Australia

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Holiday in Australia

Australia’s weather is weird and wonderful, the seasons are reverse of the northern hemisphere, Australia’s season in the southern hemisphere are as follow

* Summer: December to February
* Autumn:  March to May
* Winter:    June to August
* Spring:    September to November

This means that the Australian Christmas takes place at the height of summer the weather is quite warm, high temperatures and lots of sunshine, in the mid- to high 20°sC (70°sF) in most major cities, except in the north, such as Cairns and Darwin, and in Alice Springs in the Red Centre, where the temperature is likely to break past the 30°C (86°F) mark. For studenets, this is the end of year break and is also known as the summer holidays, or the Christmas holidays.

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Australia is a big place and the climate varies. Across northern Australia ‘Cairns, Darwin, It is warm to very warm and humid with thunderstorms and rain most days, while in Sydney and Brisbane the weather is warm, average maximum temperatures in Sydney are around 22-28°C

Mostly December is a festive season and a time when the summer heat hits for going to the beach for swimming, surfing, sailing or simply sunning oneself. Because it’s summer, many Christmas holiday in Australia celebrations occur outdoors, going to the beach11 for the day, or heading to camping grounds for a longer break over the Christmas holiday period. It has become traditional for international visitors who are in Sydney at Christmas time to go to Bondi Beach where up to 40,000 people visit on Christmas Day

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In the evening, there could be Carols by Candlelight events range from huge gatherings,  which are televised live throughout the country, to smaller local community and church events. Sydney’s Carols in the Domain13 has become a popular platform for the stars of stage and music. Music Bowl in Melbourne. Smaller cities, and towns, and villages and suburbs,  may have their own Carols by Candlelight versions

For the religious there’s Midnight Mass and Christmas Day services. And because it’s summer, there’ll be people celebrating Christmas in Australia on the beach when the weather’s fine.